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Comic for 2016.05.19

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic
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3187 days ago
Well... I expect nothing less from Cyanide & Hapiness...
Kernersville, NC
3188 days ago
Slightly inappropriate and Nsfw
New York

Cloud gaming service OnLive to shut down April 30, sells assets and patents to Sony (Kyle Orland/Ars Technica)

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Kyle Orland / Ars Technica:
Cloud gaming service OnLive to shut down April 30, sells assets and patents to Sony  —  OnLive shuts down streaming games service, sells patents to Sony  —  The industry's first experiment in server-streamed gaming comes to an end.  —  The first company to try to make a business …

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T-Mobile's Sony Xperia Z1s Does Not Have An Unlockable Bootloader

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i1_Tmob-spin 380 - FRONT_00001The new Xperia Z1s on T-Mobile is almost identical to the international Z1, except for the radio bands and some software tweaks. One thing that definitely isn't the same is the bootloader – it appears that T-Mobile has requested Sony not allow bootloader unlocks on this device. For a company trying to upend the traditional carrier model, this is awfully old-fashioned carrier behavior.


Reports have come in from a variety of sources including XDA, Reddit, and blogs that make it clear this device is more locked down than the original Z1.

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T-Mobile's Sony Xperia Z1s Does Not Have An Unlockable Bootloader was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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4040 days ago
Kernersville, NC

Apple to pay $40 to iPad 3G owners shut out of all-you-can-eat data plans (Jeff John Roberts/GigaOM)

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Jeff John Roberts / GigaOM:
Apple to pay $40 to iPad 3G owners shut out of all-you-can-eat data plans  —  Apple and AT&T are set to resolve a long-running class action suit over the companies' decision in June, 2010 to end unlimited data plans for the iPad 3G tablet.  —  In a ruling issued this week in San Jose …

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Google Hangouts for Android update finally lets you know who is signed in

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Google Hangouts for Android update finally lets you know who is actually signed in

One of the major gripes users have had since the Google Hangouts platform and apps rolled out is that they could no longer actually see if their contacts are active before sending them a message. A new update for the Android app is ready to fix that, and is rolling out over the next few days. As shown in the image above, green icons on the photo mean they're available, grey icons mean they aren't. Another change is that when you start a hangout it lists People you Hangout with, Suggested People and then Other Contacts (as shown above). Finally, Hangout invites have popped to the top of your conversations so they're easy to find, and you can hide people from the New Hangout screen by long-pressing their name and then selecting "Hide Contact." So, are all of the old Google Talk features you needed back in action (outbound calls from the desktop returned in July), action, or is there anything else still missing?

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Source: Randall Sarafa (Google+)

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As I Lay Dying’s Tim Lambesis Found To Be In Possession Of Various Steroids At Time Of Arrest

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A new report over at from yesterday’s (September 16th) preliminary hearing for As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis gave some more details regarding his murder-for-hire case. The report details some evidence found in Lambesis‘ home after his original May 07th, 2013 arrest. An excerpt from it reads: “Homicide investigators found a lock box in Lambesis’ Carlsbad home containing “a lot of different quantities” of male enhancement-type drugs, male libido-type drugs and estrogen blocking drugs, Det. John Buckley with … Continue reading
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4162 days ago
Kernersville, NC
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